Letter to the Editor DACA and Immigration

The devil is indeed in the details and Congress can find many, but it seems to me it was our fault that we allowed illegal immigrants into our country; but now that they are here, we simply need to make a way for naturalization for those who prove not to be criminals but worthy individuals.

As for controlling the borders, it is our fault and we need to "get er done" in a hurry. Few, if any, countries allow any and all who desire to enter their borders. Most of them actively reject those who could be moved into tyranny.

After all is said and done, let us not forget that our nation is famous for receiving immigrants. According to the Pew Research Institute, we have received more than 50 million immigrants in the past 50 years -- which group has grown to over 70 million in numbers.

Robert Miskimen

Bella Vista

Editorial on 01/24/2018