Safe Driving


This letter is to express our profound appreciation to the Weekly Vista. Over the years, this newspaper has been a partner by posting our AARP Smart Driver classes every month.Taking this course can produce multiple benefits, such as learning research-based safety strategies that can reduce the likelihood of a crash; learning how aging, medications, alcohol and other health-related issues affect driving ability; learning how to adjust driving to allow for these changes; and learning about the newest safety and other advanced features in vehicles. Also included in the course is knowing when to stop driving and how to develop a plan for using other transportation options. Completing the Smart Driver Course also earns a discount on automobile insurance. This makes the roads in the Village safer as well. We graduate approximately 1,000 safer drivers per year in Northwest Arkansas and 7,000 statewide. Anyone with an interest in learning how to become an AARP Smart Driver volunteer is invited to call me at 479-621-3089.

Joe Gratzl, Bella Vista

AARP Driver Safety State Coordinator

Editorial on 11/15/2017