Rain and mockingbirds are sure a good thing

I was drinking my first cup of life-giving brew and it was a very still morning, too early for the birds and the rain had just ended, when I noticed a tiny little sound. I thought about it for a second or two and then I knew I was sure enough right! I could hear the grass growing! Now don't get to thinking I am making this up. Some folks never can hear it, and some of us are just super sensitive to sounds pertaining to our business!

Daylight came on quick and my close relative started rattling the skillet. That is another one of my favorite sounds. We had sausage and hot cakes with plenty of cow butter and thick sweet syrup. Do you reckon other folks have the same reaction to that menu that I do? My smile gets wider, my eyes sparkle and my steps get livelier every time!

The second worming and repeat vaccination is on the calendar. I am about half convinced it is necessary. My head tells me to listen to the advice of learned men and then my experience putting the cattle through the process the second time also intervenes. I haven't got the time or the patience to tell you how many times I've chased a herd around and around trying to pen them two weeks after a spring or fall working. It would be easy if you had all halter broke and bunk-broke babies with names, but we don't!

We have used this week to prepare for the glorious haying season. The grease monkeys, my offspring, are plumb giddy smelling up the aroma of machinery and oil. I have told myself many times that I just do not deserve the ritual of the season because I never have been evil. Yes, I did some stuff my sainted mother was not proud of when I was a youth, but I never did murder or steal! Seems I just cannot get out of it. And I appreciate the good Lord giving us a couple of heirs that love the job. I intend to retire at an early age, but just from the haying.

I have counted cattle today, mostly from the road, and then headed to the coffee emporium for a daily newscast. The members of the round table keep their minds sharp as a two edged knife by trying to know more than any other man at the table. They read every paper delivered to our community and rise early to tune in the all news stations for updates. A couple of them almost went into shock after the election due to the lack of reasons to quarrel.

I ate pie and drank a couple cups of coffee as the Korean projects were cussed and discussed. I don't lay much by the opinions of the fellers. I know they are smart and up to date, but I pray right regular and I know who is in control.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, the rain and mockingbirds are sure a good thing for us to enjoy. I could name other little wonders, but you probably already know how fortunate you are to be in this part of the world. We live where tadpoles and kids are a regular sight, men know how to rope, women can and do cook, and we have some paved roads! Yes, I know you have to watch for potholes, but we have some stretches that are a mile long with only a few patches! So, get up early and enjoy where you are!

Oh, don't forget, He is risen!

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Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette-area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Editorial on 04/26/2017