Work! Work! Work!

What do you think of when you hear the word "Work?" My guess is some might say, "necessity; paycheck; survival; yuk" or other colorful phrases communicating displeasure. Yet, others might respond with descriptive words or phrases like, "It's a blessing; it gives me purpose; it is God-honoring; I find friendships in it," and the like. From where do those different perspectives on work come?

God's intention from creation was that men and women should work. The work God had for Adam and Eve was not toilsome, it was simply to tend the garden He had made for them, the garden that provided for all their needs (see Genesis 2:15). But their sinful rebellion against God's plan for their lives changed everything, including the nature of their work (and now everyone's). Removed from the Garden, they had to work to survive, and it would become toilsome and laborious.

But even work corrupted by sin can be redeemed by God. Those who look at work in a more positive light may do so because God has redeemed them through the "work" of salvation by Christ Jesus at Calvary's cross. Faith in Christ for salvation -- for redemption -- begins a process of changing a person's perspective on everything, including work!

Solomon sought Godly wisdom and included this in his discovery: "I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and to do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil -- this is the gift of God." (Ecclesiastes 3:12-13)

God is gracious to bless His children (see John 1:10-13) in so many ways, including work that not only sustains us but gives us opportunity to be generous with others. The Spirit of God works in us to give us an attitude about work that helps us see it as a blessing and even as a means through which to honor God and serve Him! Whether that work is paid work or volunteer work, in the home, the church, the field or the marketplace, all can and should be done to the best of our ability so as to honor God who redeemed us and the work we do.

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Voll is pastor of the Village Bible Evangelical Free Church.

Religion on 09/30/2015