Letter to the Editor

POA has outlived its usefullness

The POA Board is asking us again to vote on an assessment increase.

It's amazing how they can afford to have all these elections in light of the fact that whenever the topic of letting us vote on dissolving the POA comes up, the board always says that elections are too expensive to conduct!

It seems that Tommy Bailey's minions on the POA Board have not gotten the message that the majority of people in Bella Vista do not want an assessment increase.

The POA is obsolete, having outlived its purpose. Bella Vista is a city now, and has been for some time. We do not need two governing bodies in this town!

If the POA Board wants us to vote on an issue, let us vote on dissolving the POA. Now that would be a victory!

Kimberly Davis

Bella Vista

Editorial on 08/27/2014