Letter to the Editor

Asssessment vote not about Bailey

Recently, I became aware of Bella Vista property owners who are not going to vote for the assessment increase because General Manager Tommy Bailey makes too much money.

This kind of thinking is idiotic, and has no concern for their friends and neighbors. It says, "I have this petty issue, therefore I'm going to vote against the assessment so the amenities you use in Bella Vista will deteriorate and your house value will decline."

Don't you think that is incredibly thoughtless and inconsiderate?

A vote against the assessment does nothing to Tommy. The only person a vote against the assessment hurts is you, and, of course, the person voting against the increase. Is that stupid or what! They are just shooting themselves in the foot.

I wonder if these folks have ever contacted the POA Board members to voice their opinion? This view begs many questions. Do you know how much money Tommy actually makes? How have you determined that his compensation is too much for the job he does? What is the scope of his responsibility? How much should the job pay and why?

Now, I don't know if Tommy makes too much money or not. It is an issue that is separate from the assessment vote. Our congressmen make a pretty good buck as well. Do these people believe our congressmen are paid too much? There are much better and effective avenues to pursue regarding their issue than hurting their neighbors and friends.

I don't know if there are 10 or 1,000 naysayers of this persuasion in Bella Vista, but I do know they exist. They seem perfectly normal in conversation until the exchange turns to the assessment vote topic. That's when they are quick to proudly proclaim their assessment position.

Don't miss the opportunity to acknowledge to them that you are offended by their lack of concern for your housing value and the amenities you use in Bella Vista.

Do not be discouraged by the naysayers' view.

Use your vote wisely. Vote "For" the assessment increase.

Ron Corn

Bella Vista

Editorial on 08/27/2014