Letter to the Editor

Automatic sprinkler code is necessary

Alderwoman Becky Morgan has voiced a concern for the proposed sprinkler system changes to the fire code, citing possible financial hardship for churches planning expansions that would require either an automatic sprinkler system or a firewall. Similar concerns were also raised by Mr. Lear of Bella Vista Lutheran Church.

Another issue that has been recently discussed has been Bella Vista attracting more commercial investment within the city -- new businesses.

What impacts negatively on these concerns and as well as the desire to attract commercial enterprises are the capabilities of the Bella Vista Fire Department.

In addressing the capabilities of the Fire Department, let us not be alarmist. Let us review only known, on record facts:

1. Two fire stations, Highlands and east side, are normally minimally manned -- two firefighters assigned to Highlands and three to east side. These stations are frequently unmanned when the assigned firefighters respond to ambulance calls.

2. The Fire Department operates on a three-shift system with 12 firefighters assigned to a shift. Two or more ambulance calls, as records show have happened, would draw that force down to six to eight firefighters.

3. The department is not in compliance with National Fire Protection Association 1710 (2010 edition), "Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments" to wit:

a. Cannot field a full fire alarm assignment within a 480-second response time for 90 percent of incidents.

b. Cannot employ an immediate two-engine company fire assignment, with each engine manned by a minimum four-person crew, to a structure fire.

4. The city of Bella Vista Fire Department has been assigned an ISO classification of 6 due to deficiencies in the availability of water for fire suppression and inadequate fire department manning. Note: Rates paid by home and business owners for property insurance take into account a town's ISO rating. Bentonville, with an ISO class 2 rating, has lower property insurance rates than Bella Vista.

Reviewing these facts, Alderwoman Morgan should recognize that a full-press move to enact an automatic sprinkler code is imperative for the protection of property in Bella Vista. Enacting and enforcing said code would serve to offset the recognized deficiencies of the Bella Vista Fire Department. A properly designed and maintained automatic sprinkler system can hold a fire to a minimal area, limiting fire spread and damage until the fire department arrives on scene.

Here I would ask Mr. Lear, after reviewing the above cited facts, is avoiding installation of an automatic sprinkler system due to the financial impact it poses good stewardship of your church's finances? Loss of your church to a fire due to fire department deficiencies I would dare to say would have a far greater negative financial impact on your church.

Further, in reviewing the above cited facts, should we try to attract a larger commercial base for the city when we do not have the means to provide the fire service required to protect such investments?

Ed Blacke

Bella Vista

Editorial on 08/20/2014