RELIGION: To what kingdom do we belong?

The story is told of Frederick William IV of Prussia who once visited a school and quizzed the students. He held up a stone and asked the children: to what kingdom does this belong? They responded: mineral. He then, pointed to a flower and asked: to what kingdom does this belong? They answered: plant. He then pointed to a bird flying by outside the window and asked: to what kingdom does that belong? They replied: animal. Then he asked: now, to what kingdom do I belong? He had raised a profound theological question. To what kingdom do we belong?

On a literal sense, we are, off course, part and parcel of the animal kingdom. I belong to the same kingdom as my dogs, Tilly, Dundee and Opie. They have many human traits. Tilly can pout, Dundee has a temper, Opie can get excited (as some of you who have visited the church while he is getting old enough to leave at home). But yet, none of them has a real concept of time. They cannot grasp that there is a point in the future which they will not live. Only humans can grasp time. Opie so far, cannot tell right from wrong. It is not within Tilly to share. Dundee's limited mind cannot set goals. All of those are human traits.

The magnificent thing for humans is that it is within us to rise above purely animal desires and become a part of another kingdom: the Kingdom of God. I hope and pray we all rise above our purely animal instincts to reach toward that heavenly goal.

Oh, by the way, I do believe God has a special place for all of God's creatures ... yes, Virginia, all dogs go to heaven.




Pastor James "Skip" French is the pastor of Highland Christian Church, 1500 Forest Hills Blvd., Bella Vista. Opinions expressed are those of the author.