LETTER: Why an officer's family?

I find it unconscionable that a police family would have to worry about paying medical bills after being wounded in the line of duty.

Speaking specifically of Prairie Grove officer Tyler Franks, shot in the line of duty and losing part of his leg. Should it really be up to the officer and his family in this horrific time to also have to worry about their medical bills?

Should it really be subject to whatever the private sector can provide out of their already strained pockets? Should his wife or Tyler himself have to focus on "how will we ever pay for all this" rather than his healing?

If ever there was a legitimate time for the state or county to open their bulging coffers this would be it, would it not?

Cannot the state or even federal government have an easier time absorbing the medical bills rather than an officer's family?

I praise the citizens who have offered to help but, honestly Arkansas, it is time the state or federal government pony up for our heroes wounded trying to save our communities from irrational harm.

Craig Stewart

Bella Vista