LETTER: Don't use chaplain's perspective to sow discord

Robert Box recently dipped his pen in red ink and let fly with an opinion piece styled "Attempted coup." His byline is "Chaplain's Perspective."

What Box did was grace us with his "perspective" which is, after all, only his point of view. There was little to no chaplaincy within the column.

Rather we have been needlessly inflicted with yet another polemic by an angry man when the nation needs healing, a coming together as a family.

We need oil poured upon troubled water, Chaplain Box, not more gasoline splashed on the raging fire of discord. Box should not use his chaplain's pulpit to spread hate and discord.

Oh, yeah, I have been honored by police and sheriff departments for my work in defending those in blue, so let's not play the "police" card to build credibility.

Al Clark

Bella Vista