LETTER: Democrats' actions equal to printing counterfeit money

Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev ounce said, "America will never fall unto a foreign invader, she will simply spend herself to death." With the action of the Democrat Party (last) month, I fear Premier Khrushchev's prediction is about to come true.

Printing counterfeit money is against the law and there is a good reason for that and yet the Democrat Party is now in the process of doing just that. The Germans tried that years ago and it has been said that the German people would have to fill a wheelbarrow full of Deutsch Marks just to buy a loaf of bread. I am afraid our children and grandchildren are going to experience what the Germans went through back then.

Congratulations to U.S. Senator John Boozman and Congressman Steve Womack for doing their best to keep us from going down this disastrous road. I believe time will tell that these two legislators rendered the right vote for us.

Jim Parsons

Bella Vista