RELIGION: Mirror treasure

In the Delta of Arkansas there lived a man and his family who were poor sharecroppers. They had few of the "necessities" of life. But one year, after settling up with the owner, they had a small amount of money left. It was not enough to buy something for each member of the family, so they decided on something in which the entire family could share. They finally decided to buy a mirror. Ten days later when the treasure arrived, they quickly tore open the box. The father was the first to look, and he frowned. The mother smiled, and the baby giggled. Each member of the family saw themselves for the first time. The mirror was passed to little Willie last. He looked -- he didn't know whether to frown or cry, for, you see, little Willie had been kicked in the face by a mule when he was a very small boy. His face had been left scarred; it was a rather ugly sight. Willie turned to his mother and said: "Mom, did you know that I looked like this all the time?"

"Yes, Willie, of course I did."

"And you still loved me?"

"Yes, Willie, I still loved you; the face didn't make no difference. I love you because you're mine."

The same can be said of God. God loves us no matter what because we are God's children.



Pastor James "Skip" French is the pastor of Highland Christian Church, 1500 Forest Hills Blvd., Bella Vista. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Religion on 05/27/2020