Joseph Bollinger is the real republican

Dave Barfield should know what a RINO (Republican In Name Only) is since he has voted in more Democrat primaries than Republican. If he did know what a RINO is, he would realize that he and his buddy Doug Farner are just that. The two candidates running for JP in District 7 could not be more different. Joseph Bollinger is a solid pro-life, small government and lower taxes conservative, which aligns with the Republican Party of Arkansas' platform. Joseph has been an active member of the Republican Party of Benton County and is Chairman of the Northwest Arkansas Young Republicans. Doug Farner is pro-choice and thinks that late-term abortion sometimes makes sense -- really?

I encourage Bella Vista to vote for a real Republican, Joseph Bollinger, in District 7.

Barbara Tillman

Bella Vista, Ark.

Editorial on 02/26/2020