LETTER: So Much Emotion

So Much Emotion

Wow ... so much emotion being displayed about the proposed assessment increase. I've never seen so many letters to the editor as appeared in last week's Vista.

I try hard to understand both sides of this issue despite my personal feeling that an increase is more than overdue. I take strong issue to the writer who suggests throwing your ballot away rather than vote no. That hardly seems the right approach but, in America, we are free to express our opinion in whatever manner we chose.

Here is another solution to consider. I have always voted for an increase dating back to 2002 before we became residents. It has dawned on me that there is nothing stopping me from paying the increased assessment amount regardless of how the vote turns out. I am voluntarily going to pay the additional $13 starting in January. It's time for me to put my money where my mouth is. Anyone care to join me?

Mike Deshon

Bella Vista

Editorial on 12/11/2019