LETTER: Real Bella Vistans


Tom Hudson's comments in recent POA updates leads one to believe that only people who own unimproved lots voted against the higher assessments. (And apparently their opinion doesn't really count, because they're not real Bella Vistans; i.e., they don't live here, they don't play golf, etc.) However, there are improved-lot owners who have lived here many years who didn't move here to play golf in the first place (yes, it is a fact.), who prefer not to subsidize others' golf playing, and who prefer to pay as they go for any usage of amenities (this too is a fact).

And, most radical of all, some of us non-golfing residents also own unimproved lots. Contrary to what Mr. Hudson asserts, we don't necessarily "live too far away to enjoy the use of our wonderful amenities." You know, I bet there are lots of Washington politicians out there who wish they could just annul the results of the 2016 presidential election, print some selected media hype to twist people's opinions a bit and do the whole vote over again until they get the results they want. Not sure the voters would stand for that.

Charles D Yatsko

18-year resident

Owner of improved and unimproved properties

Editorial on 12/04/2019