Letter to Editor

It's the Culture, dummies!

Many wonder at the collapse of society, morals and responsibility. Why is the silent majority silent? Where are our youth going? Where is the "Black Robed Regiment" of pre-revolutionary days?

It all began in God's perfectly created Garden of Eden. That perfect couple was enticed by evil and a lying promise. It climaxed at God's judgment to flood the earth which diametrically changed the world. It was only a few hundred years before Nimrod (the mighty) and his tower of Babel, which precipitated God's wrath in confusing people with many languages.

The will of the people and their feelings were rebellions away from God. What God had given to people they received greedily and rejected His will to live thankfully and obediently. This continued century after century. Another climax was reached with Charles Darwin's evolution, rejecting God as Creator, and, as such, owner with the right to say what was His will and manner of working good for all people. Karl Marx and Engel exulted, "It contains the basis in natural history for our view and provides a basis in natural science for the historical class struggle." Thus, they cheered over evolution which enabled them to proceed into Communism, which has resulted in millions deaths worldwide.

Whether mankind accepts God's gifts or rejects Him, He will still win in the final judgment. Jesus, Himself, offers the escape from such humanism and fruitless struggles to unite, which is nothing less than a modern Nimrod. Scripture says Jesus died to destroy the works of Satan and liberate those who were for all their lives slaves to Satan, death and fear, see Hebrews 2.

Let the "silent majority" rise up with the truth and conquer the evil planted in so many minds by that which is merely "one man's" ideas. God's Word will triumph in all who "hold that fast which they have" and inherit that heavenly and true life which is all good and right.

Rev. Robert Miskimen

Bella Vista

Editorial on 08/15/2018