It's not whining

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

I don't think it is whining to question the leadership of any organization you are part of. In fact, I think it is every person's responsibility to stay informed and ask questions. Having a difference of opinion or point of view and expressing it is not whining.

I for one, and I know I am not alone, have voted for every assessment increase since we became property owners in 1995. I will again vote for the increase this fall because I see it as necessary to maintain a sound financial base for this community. As I outlined in my previous letter to the editor, I am not convinced that a majority of property owners support the idea of a new community center. Perhaps the POA should consider adding this question to the fall ballot on the assessment increase.

We are currently in a negative reserve position. We do not have the money to pay for this project, which means we would have to go further in debt to finance it. If approved, the assessment increase will improve our cash flow somewhere in the area of two million dollars a year, which would not cover this cost but certainly be helpful.

Again, I don't see this as whining but as asking questions that should be asked.

Mike DeShon

Bella Vista

Editorial on 09/05/2018