Response to Should I Retire

Regarding the letter titled "Should I retire to Bella Vista?" from Mr. John Walters of New York, I offer this response. We moved here in 2014, returning after a 40-year absence. We spent 28 years in the military and another 12 in industry. We've lived in six states and three foreign countries and visited many more -- 14 moves in all. There is no better town in the U.S. that offers the quality of life and variety of outdoor amenities as Bella Vista. Residents enjoy an unlimited variety of social clubs and events.

To concerns that you have read about in the Weekly Vista, I assume you refer to Letters to the Editor. Take note that many letters you reference are written by the same people every week. They constitute a small minority of the 19,000 households in this community. Those persons have an excellent communication campaign and are the most vocal in their negative view of the POA board and chief operating officer. But their views do not reflect the view of most homeowners based on any evidence I have seen.

Regarding the Back Forty trails and why we can support more trails, I and many friends regularly use them. We routinely cross paths with bikers and hikers and have never been put in a dangerous position. The current system is limited to the east side and the 50-mile extension will provide the west side with the same amenities. With over 36,000 acres, Bella Vista can easily accommodate additional trails. Trail construction is funded by the Walmart Foundation at no cost to the homeowners -- a win-win for all residents.

Regarding your comment on the spend-down of financial reserves, the previous board and COO built a cash reserve exceeding $11 million. Homeowner fees are paid specifically to fund recreational facilities construction and maintenance. The city is responsible for other services and infrastructure, minus water. When our current COO took office two years ago, the previous board had not recapitalized essential infrastructure and equipment to sustain and maintain facilities for years. Current leadership made significant improvements to recreational facilities, improving the lives of residents, young and old. Examples include Lake Avalon beach, upgrades to camping/RV facilities, upgrades to two flagship dining facilities at Lakepoint and Bella Vista Country Club, and renovation of two recreation centers. Maintenance of our seven golf courses and lakes is excellent. Those who disagree with the board's direction argue we need reserve emergency funds. If our fees are for maintaining recreational facilities, why would we need massive reserves at the expense of not performing essential maintenance and improvements?

You state you would not support an assessment increase. Inflation has increased nationally by about 40 percent since the last increase 18 years ago. Well maintained recreational amenities increase property values and make Bella Vista the nationally recognized "Best Place to Retire" by Money Magazine. A nominal fee increase makes sense after 18 years of no increases!

Tim Considine

Bella Vista

Editorial on 10/17/2018