My Nightmare

My nightmare

I had a bad dream -- a nightmare -- the other night about our POA. Maybe sharing it will get it out of my head. In my dream, I was listening to a board conversation I probably wasn't supposed to hear and overheard the following:

• Yep, we told our members that we desperately needed the last assessment increase. But even though it didn't pass, we still did most of the projects we wanted to anyway.

• Yep, we even did or are doing those that are still accumulating expenses at a much faster pace than "promised" revenues. Let's hope no one asks for a detailed accounting.

• So why not keep our momentum going and build a new community center? Then we can tear down Riordan Hall since it will be a duplication of what we are planning for the new community center.

• No, we don't have to decide now what we'll do with the Riordan property when it is demolished -- let's keep our options open until we decide.

• No, we still haven't resolved the numerous golf issues despite all the studies, meetings, ideas, complaints, etc. That's continuing to be a hot issue with many of the members, so probably best to let it simmer longer and keep their minds off all our other plans.

• Yep, we will definitely go for another assessment increase soon. And since we now pulled off a clever ploy, we can control and vote those 700 lots the POA owns which will probably be enough votes to swing the assessment our way.

• Sure we are aware that those lots belong to all the members and not to our board, but so what. The complaints about that issue are few and far between.

• Remember, we are the board and we make the decisions.

Paul Poulides

Bella Vista

Editorial on 08/15/2018