Letter to the Editor

Why are healthcare meetings behind closed doors?

The other day while watching TV, I heard a senator from Missouri ask about the healthcare bill, and I heard the Republican Senate was working on it. So I looked up more information about the bill and found -- while the Comey hearing was going on -- the Senate was meeting behind closed doors to plan the new healthcare bill.

Seems they don't want the voters to know the drastic healthcare cuts they're planning. They must be drastic or why the closed doors? Why the secret meeting?

Like Trump said, he's for us, so he ought to give us what we want and he promised -- a fair and inexpensive healthcare plan for everyone.

President Trump, along with our senators, Tom Cotton and John Boozman, should demand Republican senators show us the healthcare bill and hold hearings about the bill.

Money sure does strange things to people. Look at Trump.

Trump said, "Make America Great."

Instead, Trump and the Republican senate make America sick.

John Starkey

Bella Vista

Editorial on 06/21/2017