Letter to the Editor

despicable scare tactics

There are many people in Bella Vista that are strongly opposed to this assessment increase. We're tired of the POA's secretive nature; the fact that they've begun several, very-expensive renovation projects without any member input, and that 45 percent of the revenue generated by this increase will go to golf and golf-related items. And yet statistics show very clearly that Bella Vista is no longer a retirement community; the average age of residents, and the rounds of golf played, have both been declining steadily over the last few years. It seems the board is asking the many to pay for the amenities used by the few.

Recently, the POA Board and the new COO, Tom Judson, approved over $1 million for renovations to a clubhouse -- without a member vote, while at the same time declining to accept a good offer for the POA land known as the Ark-M0 land -- land that serves no purpose at all, at this point. There are many other instances of the board recently making changes without membership approval, such as opening golf to non-members.

However, the main concern I and others have is the method by which the POA is attempting to pass this assessment increase. They've apparently decided that scaring people is the way to victory. The POA Board has hired a robo-call company, and in the call messaging it is suggesting that unless the assessment passes, property values could be reduced. This is a scare tactic, and the same refrain is heard quite often from the POA Board. They are attempting to scare the residents, many of whom are elderly, into voting YES on this assessment increase.

Yes, the increase is small, but not to those on fixed incomes that are most vulnerable to added assessment costs, as well as those most vulnerable to the despicable scare tactics being used by the POA Board.

Jack Stewart

Bella Vista

Editorial on 09/14/2016