The Gift of Love

Thinking back to a Sunday morning when those of us who were up and about early were privileged to see one of the truly marvelous messages of our Lord -- His eloquent voice speaking out through a frosty world poised between freezing and melting, a crystal sphere magnificent in its glittering splendor.

I love nature and feel closest to God when He speaks to me through the ever unfolding beauty of His creation. How many moods do we see as the seasons slide by in the soft whisper of a gentle rain, a warm summer breeze ruffling the petals of a daisy, or a tiny baby bunny nibbling on the stem of its first taste of a tender clover, or when the lightning of a summer storm exposes the night sky like a three-dimensional photographic negative, and the thunder pauses for a moment before it cracks aloft causing teacups and windows to rattle in response. And on occasion there roars forth a wild, uncontrolled rage of such power that it leaves us gasping in awe. These are the destroyers -- the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the earthquakes. I do not for one minute believe that God sends these forces to devastate mankind, but rather see them as examples of the power that exists in His world. And a mighty power it is.

Where do we fit in His scheme of things? I feel very insignificant as I stand before Him in all His expressions of glory. I hear God sigh as fragile flakes of white come floating down, each more intricate than the most complex manmade articles of lace. And I often despair at the effect of humanity on His works of beauty as heavy tires and tramping feet turn His miracle to slush. Do we stop to look and listen before we obliterate? Who has heard the still, small voice of woodland creatures snuggled on their warm nests of dried grasses, brown leaves and tiny twigs? Do we stop to enjoy the moss and lichens that make up the forest floor each fall? We can be as enthusiastic as the bright summer sun sparkling on the crest of a wave as our lakes and streams go about the business of providing a summer retreat from the fast pace of the city.

Words, like waves, can be lost -- for no two are ever exactly the same. They need to be printed upon our hearts. But take care, for once spoken, they, like the waves, can never be recalled. We have known a thousand different days, each with its own message to be shared. Aren't we like nature, sometimes soft and gentle, sometimes speaking out, and occasionally losing our tempers to become tornadoes of angry energy. There are those days when we sparkle cheerfully and some when we are quietly sincere. How I love these ranges along the continuum of our personalities, for it is this which makes each of us who we are, both interesting and unique.

I think God must love all our moods, and He uses them to His advantage. Think about how each mood results in a different kind of accomplishment. Each is a tiny miracle if done in His name. We need this variety within ourselves, between ourselves and in our relationship with God. It is truly the "spice of life" and I for one am ever so grateful. Enjoy your world and listen to what it says. Each day brings with it a new and precious message. Write it on your heart before it is gone with the setting sun, never to be spoken again. Love your Lord as He loves you, and as we love one another. For these are some of the most meaningful words ever spoken: "The greatest of these is love."


Jan Burgess moved to Bella Vista in 1995. She considers each day a gift -- although some are more fun to open than others.

Community on 01/27/2016