Letter to the Editor

What is a true friend?

There's an old saying, "good friends are hard to find."

My wife and I have lived in eight states and had 10 homes. During that time, we have met many people who were acquaintances but not friends. Who is a true friend anyway?

To me, a true friend is someone who is there for when you need them. Someone who, when you ask if they will do you a favor and they say "sure what can I do?" If you need money they will give it to you without hesitation. When they ask how you are doing, they really want to know.

A true friend is someone you can trust implicitly and will hold your confidentiality.

We have missed a lot of the above, but don' t you! We have been married over 64 years and have lived here longer than any other place.

Bella Vista is a wonderful place with the nicest people in the country. We will be always thankful that we moved here.

Be good to yourselves and all others. We only come this way but once.

Bill Curtis

Bella Vista

Editorial on 06/24/2015