Letter to the Editor

Getting real with restaurant's name

Realizing everyone has his or her own take on what is politically correct, I think I just read the most most ridiculous one in a long time. I'm referring to the naming of a restaurant to reopen soon at the Highlands Clubhouse.

Talk about nit-picking, come on, Ron and other POA board members, let's get real. I doubt 99 percent of the people would even think the name Mason-Dixon Line connotes anything other than the border where northern and southern states meet. It's not far from where Missouri and Arkansas meet.

We have a lot more problems in our country, and right here in Bella Vista, to worry about. Anyone who thinks the naming of a restaurant might have "negative connotations" is spending too much time in a "what if?" world.

Wonder why someonesuch as Donald Trump gets so much attention? Could it have something to do with his bringing up the tendency of many who think everything has to be PC and we have to walk on our tip toes all the time? Tommy Bailey's reaction was correct when he said the contract was signed with an establishment called Mason-Dixon.

So get a life, people, stop looking for trouble and start enjoying the years you have left. Be thankful you are lucky enough to live in Bella Vista, and don't let the name of a restaurant bother you.

Nita McKelvey

Bella Vista

Editorial on 08/26/2015