Letter to the Editor

Mayor enthusiastic

at meeting

I recently had the opportunity to observe a presentation by Mayor Christie at a Fly Tyers Club meeting.

The details of his talk to us aren't the subject of this letter but his enthusiasm, knowledge and desire to continue the improvements started by the previous city fathers and the new ideas for street maintenance and other areas to make Bella Vista a desired place for new residents indicates that he is not going to be a caretaker but a positive in our future.

This information and recent articles published in The Vista regarding the city and the Property Owners Association creating a relationship to work together has convinced me that we have made a good decision to elect Mr. Christie as our mayor.

One specific question presented to our mayor was what he thought of the idea of having a separate school system for our city. My impression was that it would be bad decision financially. I and, I believe, many others agree with him. He gave me the impression the we do need more schools in the city but not the added overhead of a separate system.

I also believe that those who want their children to attend local schools within the city should try to encourage schools such as Montessori to come here.

I do have one pet peeve regarding letters sent in by residents regarding negative statements that are obviously not accurate, such as: A resident recently wrote in and blamed the General Manager for his street not getting plowed promptly. This gentleman is surely not up-to-date on who has what responsibilities. I wondered if he is a Patriots member.

We now have two types of property owners in the village, ones who pay assessments and others who are not required to. If you want to live in Bella Vista city and not pay assessments, purchase property in an area that was annexed. If you don't want to use the amenities and pay assessments then move.

Donald Stockdale

Bella Vista

Editorial on 04/08/2015