Letter to the Editor

Vote Yes on

assessment plan

Having opposing opinions is the normal debating process and welcomed, but to use illegal tactics, like are seen on the "Vote Yes" signs throughout Bella Vista, are the ways desperate people choose to respond.

The graffiti on the Highlands "Vote Yes" sign states "no new taxes," which proves these people don't even have their information correct. The "Vote Yes" has nothing to do with taxes.

Let's "Vote Yes" to continue our wonderful community. We moved here from Minnesota to be vital, active citizens, knowing it would cost us an assessment to continue to enjoy the things we love. We also know there are now young families in our community that need our support, and we are doing that as well.

The we-against-them conversations that we have been hearing are counterproductive.

Whether you use the amenities or not, whether you have children or not, you knew what kind of community you were moving to. It is our fiscal responsibility to support all aspects of our community to maintain the beautiful hills we call home. Please vote "yes."

Bill and Jan Dietman

Bella Vista

Editorial on 04/23/2014